Join the Team

Pauole Sport Triathlon Team is a close-knit, friendly and outgoing team. Our team enjoys training and racing together and the main requirement is you have fun, do your best, and support your fellow teammates. Pauole Sport has team members of all ages and abilities, from elite athletes qualifying for the Ironman World Championship to beginners training for their first triathlon.
Join the Team

Our team’s highly knowledgeable and experienced coaching staff offers comprehensive and personalized training to meet the unique needs of each individual athlete and ensures focused, organized, and purposeful workouts. Our coaches guide, support, motivate, and are with you every step of the way. Your success is our success… we are your biggest fan!
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Pauole Sport Athletes in Action
Kainoa is without question the most effective and motivating coach I have experienced in all my sporting endeavors. She has truly transformed me as an athlete. In one year Kainoa has helped me cut 10 minutes from my marathon PR, 15 minutes from my half Ironman PR, and a full HOUR off my Ironman PR. I have had an incredible time in the process working with Kainoa and the team. Thanks to Kainoa, I have achieved well beyond my performance goals!
Great coach, amazing teammates, highly recommend! I’ve been on the team for almost a year and I’ve definitely caught the triathlon bug. Learning a lot, and having fun!
Kainoa is a top notch coach who will raise your game. She is an awesome human surrounded with a great team.
This is an incredibly driven team of individual and group goal setters and achievers from professional athletes, Kona qualified triathletes, age groupers, single and double discipline race warriors, to fitness junkies who are professional and kind, all-levels and ages, friendly and fun, loose and tight group of cool athletes with common interests of staying healthy and fit!
I am proud to be part of the humble and dedicated family of athletes at Pauole Sport. As a coach, Kainoa has the education and experience necessary to understand endurance athletics and endurance athletes, along with the ability to explain how to reach your goals. As a leader, Kainoa has developed a goal oriented group of athletes and coaches who bring out the best in one another and represent the spirit at the origins of the triathlon community. Go Pauole Sport!
Joining Pauole Sport has completely changed my life in such a positive way. This is a group of motivated, positive individuals from all sorts of backgrounds, skill levels and experience. Our common threads are a love of multisport training/events as well as our supportive natures. Coach Kainoa Pauole-Roth, has an impressive background with extensive formal education in exercise physiology, nutrition and coaching…just to name a few. She also has a wealth of personal experience as a top notch endurance athlete. She has translated her education and athletic experience into a long, successful career as a coach. As a new triathlete, I trust her implicitly, from training plans to nutrition. She has helped me accomplish so many goals and, as I continue to set new goals, I know she will guide me to accomplishing them…with a beautiful smile and an “Aloha” as the cherry on top. Not only is she my coach, she is a trusted friend!
The Pauole Team has been a part of my life since 2011 and has helped smash 4 IM and countless other races! I love what this team represents: confidence, team spirit and welcoming to all levels of the sport. If you have the desire to be part of a fantastic team this is it! Thank you Kainoa for all you do!!
When I met Coach Kainoa from Pauole Sport, I knew from the beginning that I would be in excellent hands. I started my journey as a triathlete later in life. I was a runner and sort of an indoor swimmer, but definitely not a biker. When I turned 50, I decided to find a tri-coach & team that would be supportive and knowledgeable. Needless to say, 6 years on, being part this amazing, like-minded and caring team, has truly changed my life. Kainoa’s expertise both as a seasoned coach and athlete as been instrumental in providing me with a solid foundation and confidence to strive as an Iron Man triathlete. Often people will say to me, I could never do an Ironman. My response is yes you can – just call Kainoa!
Kainoa is a fantastic coach and I am so glad to be working with her! As head coach for the Husky Triathlon Club, the official tri team at the University of Washington, she works with 25+ athletes, some of whom have just begun to swim and others who are training toward 70.3 PR’s. Her positive attitude and encouraging, caring nature are a huge asset to our program. Any coach can write a tough set and order you to do it- but not every coach can inspire athletes’ genuine desire to do one’s best at a workout for them. Kainoa is one of those rare coaches who you’d do anything for. I have complete trust in her ability to guide myself, and our whole team, towards our triathlon goals. We all greatly admire her experience, expertise, and willingness to help everyone achieve; Husky Tri is so lucky to have Kainoa!