You are stronger than you think!
The Pauole Sport Triathlon Team is made up of an amazing group of athletes who are friendly, humble, supportive, and welcoming to all. We have a diverse group of athletes that range in age from 25-78. Our members include top age-group athletes to beginners training for their first triathlon or running event. We are a hard working and fun loving team that enjoys training and racing together.
Beth Williams
I do triathlon to push myself and to grow. And because it's strangely fun.
Paul Weinstein
After turning 40, I felt like I was getting too old, too fast. Inspired by my sister's suggestion, I took up triathlon and am now in the best shape of my life. Being a triathlete has rekindled my competitive drive and I feel like I found my "tribe" in Pauole Sport.
Bert Chavez
After I had 3 surgeries in 3 years (2 of which were getting my feet reconstructed), Kainoa guided & coached me on my come back to triathlon with the pinnacle being my completion of the 2018 Victoria 70.3, 2018 Full Ironman in Whistler, BC, Canada and competing in the 2018 70.3 World Championships in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
Tricia Davis
I’ve always liked swimming and tolerated running; once I started biking I decided it was time to start putting them all together. I like being able to do a little of everything from a general fitness perspective, and racing is fun! I’ve really enjoyed being part of the Pauole team – it’s a wonderful group of people!
Casey Alex
Why I tri: I enjoy the competition, people and lifestyle that triathlon brings to my life.
Glen Moore
My wife & I joined the Pauole Tri Team in the Spring of 2017 because we decided to do another Ironman. It had been about 10 years since our last one and we felt that being 10 years older we would really benefit from having a good tri coach. We interviewed 3 tri coaches, all of whom we felt were excellent, but we choose Kainoa because we felt like she'd be a good fit for us and we felt like we had good chemistry going in. We haven't been disappointed!
Cathleen Knutson
Swimming, biking, and running are three of my favorite activities. I also love racing and the community I've met through triathlon. Pauole Sport is a very welcoming and supportive community. It's a group built on encouraging others.
Ellen Wiegand
I do triathlon for so many reasons. It is so much fun, it's like being a kid again swimming, biking and running with friends. It definitely helps me cope with the stress of work, and gets me outdoors all year long, even in the Seattle weather. I like that I can see measurable improvement from race to race, it is a great feeling of accomplishment to get a big PR!
Michael Levenson
I appreciate the comradery of being able to train with all levels athletes and always being able to know that there is someone that will push you when you need to be pushed. Yet someone that is your speed to keep you company on the long run and rides.
Monique Radman
Triathlon has pushed me, physically and mentally, to achieve my goals and gain confidence. The physical challenges combined with the friendships and camaraderie I have enjoyed among teammates, fellow racers and my coach feed my soul in an irreplaceable way.
Ann Judd
Why I tri: To challenge myself in multiple athletic activities. Positive People and Fun!
Arielle Knutson
I appreciate Kainoa's personal approach when it comes to training plans and goal setting. She is a great listener and is always willing to accommodate individual needs (life, work travel, injury, etc.) when building your plan. And she knows just how hard to push each athlete to help them perform their best!
Scott Urquhart
Being a triathlete is part of who I am as a person. I was exposed to the early days of the sport watching my dad compete as a runner and pioneer in multi-sport. I competed in my first triathlon sometime around 1988 while channeling my focus into competitive swimming. Today, training is an essential element of my overall well being and a necessary daily respite from the stress of life.